Helping Kansans with developmental disabilities access quality community services
Serving 18 counties in Southwest and Central Kansas
Get Services
What We Do

Are you looking for services?
We are dedicated to helping individuals with intellectual and / or developmental disabilities obtain the help they need through resources and referrals to quality local services.

Do you want to provide services?
Southwest Developmental Services, Inc. is always looking for more quality community resources to add to our network. Learn about how to become one of our affiliates.

Donate to the SDSI Foundation
For over 20 years the Foundation has used the revenue from its investments to fund grants and to pay for individuals with intellectual / developmental disabilities emergency needs.
About Us
Southwest Developmental Services, Inc. is a Community Developmental Disability Organization (CDDO) that helps you gain access to funding and services for daily living.
SDSI serves 18 counties in Southwest and Central Kansas
Southwest Developmental Services, Inc.’s cause is to assure fairness, accuracy, quality and value as families and persons select and receive services and supports.
How can we help you or your loved one?

Help you access the Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD) system.

Assist you in changing services or service providers

Assist you in resolving service disputes

Answer questions about your funding or eligibility
Support SDSI Foundation
The SDSI Foundation is a benevolent foundation that wishes to assist as many people as possible that have no other place left to turn for help. These funds are not limitless. In order to help as many people as possible, we must act as good stewards of this money. The SDSI Foundation is to be viewed as a last resort resource for dire needs that would otherwise go unmet.
Get Services
Garden City
1808 Palace Drive Suite C
Garden City, KS 67846
Call: (620) 275-7521
Fax: (620) 275-1792
Great Bend
Great Bend, KS 67530
Call: (620) 793-7604
Fax: (620) 793-7906
8AM - 12PM
1PM - 5PM
Summer Hours - Memorial Day to Labor Day
Monday to Thursday
7AM - 12PM
1PM - 5PM
8AM - 12PM