SDSI Foundation

To endow and support services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD)

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We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Kansas corporation founded in 1989.

We support the mission and goals of Southwest Developmental Services, Inc. by providing support and assistance to people with I/DD in southwest and central Kansas.

The Foundation has received funding through the years from individuals, estates and other organizations. For over 20 years the Foundation has used the revenue from its investments to fund grants to pay for direct services to individuals for emergency needs such as dental care. Our Foundation has also provided grants to other organizations who serve individuals with I/DD. The Foundation has paid out over $1.5 million since 1996 for services and assistance.

 Assistance is available to both children and adults who reside in the following counties of Kansas and meet the I/DD requirements:

Barton, Kearny, Wichita, Stevens, Stanton, Stafford, Morton, Pawnee, Seward, Haskell, Scott, Lane, Rice, Rush, Finney, Grant, Greeley, Hamilton


Seeking Assistance or Grants?

Individuals wishing to apply for emergency fund assistance may do so through their case manager or may contact the Foundation directly if they do not have a case manager. Foundation staff will review these requests and respond with a decision within a short time period.

Organizations requesting a grant must apply to the Foundation in writing. These requests must be approved by the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees meets four times per year.

Donate Today

We have received funding through the years from individuals, estates and other organizations

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Get Started

In each request please be sure to include the following:

  • Is this need covered under insurance? Explain why it is not covered.
  • Will the MCO provide for this need? Include a copy of their denial of help.
  • Can the client help themselves?
    • Some clients have a savings account. Some clients have an income. Perhaps the provider of the needed goods or services would accept a payment plan.
  • Explain why the client cannot help themselves.
  • What other avenues of help have been sought? Please list them. Include a copy of their denial of help.

Garden City

1808 Palace Drive Suite C
Garden City, KS 67846

Call: (620) 275-7521
Fax: (620) 275-1792


Monday to Friday
8AM – 12PM
1PM – 5PM

Summer Hours – Memorial Day to Labor Day

Monday to Thursday
7AM – 12PM
1PM – 5PM
8AM – 12PM
